



Asphalt sealer is meant to act as a wear-layer to protect asphalt from harsh elements. We use only commercial grade sealers mixed to manufacturer's specifications, which include sand & both quick drying and hardening additives. Driveways are always brush applied, and commercial lots are always double coated. ALWAYS.

Hot rubber crack sealing

We clean cracks of all debris before being sealed with a thin band of hot rubber designed to adhere to asphalt. The rubber seals the crack to help prevent moisture from entering the base under the asphalt. Left untreated, the moisture can freeze & expand, causing the asphalt to break and create potholes.

ada compliant line striping

All surfaces to be painted are cleaned by powered brooms and blowers to allow proper adhesion. We use only Fed. Spec., fast-dry, commercial grade paint - The same colors and quality used on roadways. Our striping machines are guided by lasers to produce crisp, straight lines, and all of our technicians are up-to-date on all ADA striping regulations.

pothole repair

All areas to be repaired are cleaned of all loose material & dried before being filled with the same commercial grade hot-mix-asphalt that is used on roadways. After compaction, all edges are sealed with hot rubber to prevent moisture from entering the repair and creating future cracks or potholes.


From driveway aprons to commercial parking lots, we have you covered. We start by grading & compacting the base and sub-base. Then we use commercial grade HMA to pave in multiple 2" lifts until the specified thickness is achieved. After compaction of the new asphalt, all connecting joints are sealed with hot rubber to prevent moisture from entering the asphalt and creating future cracks or potholes. *ASK US HOW TO GET YOUR FIRST SEALCOAT FREE WITH NEW ASPHALT INSTALLATION!!!


We have multiple sizes, materials, & color choices of parking bumpers to choose from. But our most popular choices are standard 6' concrete blocks & black/yellow rubber blocks. Whichever you choose, all blocks are installed with pins to help keep them in place. Concrete blocks can also be painted to help with visibility.

sign & post installation

All signs are produced using 3M High Intensity Grade reflective aluminum which has a 10 year durability rating. All signs meet or exceed all D.O.T. requirements. We use the same heavy duty, baked enamel posts used by municipal street departments & install all posts a minimum of 2' deep to ensure a long, trouble free service life.


From sidewalks & patios, to driveways & parking lots, we can handle your concrete project! After grading & compacting the base and sub-base, 4,000 psi concrete with rebar & wire mesh is poured to the appropriate thickness. After appropriate cure times, the concrete is saw-cut to prevent unwanted cracking. Finally, the stain or sealer of your choice can be applied.

line striping & stencil removal

Sometimes, layouts change. And we can help you with that project! We have many options to help, including black & grey paint, water blasting, and grinding, just to name a few. Contact us to discuss your project & we can help recommend a few options!



Over time, your concrete pavement absorbs contaminants into it's pores. Using environmentally safe cleaners & a 3,500 p.s.i. commercial pressure washer with a surface attachment, we can quickly bring your pavement back to life and make it shine like new, at a surprisingly low rate!


Bring your concrete to life with a beautiful stain! After a high-pressure cleaning, a solvent based stain in your choice of color is applied in multiple coats before being sealed to extend the life of the stain. We use only genuine, commercial grade, solvent based stain. Don't fall for a water-based "stain" from a big box store. It is not a REAL stain, that absorbs in to the concrete; it is simply a paint that sits on top of the concrete.

A snowplow from United Rentals clears snowy city streets during a winter night.


Sure, you can get snow removal from anyone. What makes us different? We don't just plow your parking area. We also shovel & salt all walkways, every time. We offer different plans & pricing to meet any situation, including will-call & automatic. We can even give you 1 price for the entire winter season, to help you budget. Just contact us to take snow removal off of your to-do list for good!

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